This year, we are again offering a chance to be a sponsor of the John McCutcheon Benefit Concert. For the suggested donation, youll receive tickets to the concert, your name in the program, reserved seating at the concert, and an invitation to a reception with John McCutcheon following the performance. Five levels of sponsorship are available:
Autoharp $40 One ticket, name in program, reception
Guitar $75 Two tickets, name in program, reception
Banjo $150 Four tickets, name in program, reception
Piano $300 Eight tickets, name in program, reception
Hammer Dulcimer $500 Sixteen tickets, name in program, reception
To sponsor, fill out the form below and mail it to the address below by January 14, 2008 so we can have time to acknowledge your sponsorship in the program. Questions? Call 572-1307 or email
___ I would like an Autoharp Sponsorship ($40).
___ I would like a Guitar Sponsorship ($75).
___ I would like a Banjo Sponsorship ($150).
___ I would like a Piano Sponsorship ($300).
___ I would like a Hammer Dulcimer Sponsorship ($500).
Enclosed is a check for:__________________
If you would like, you can dedicate your sponsorship to another. Just specify how you would like the dedication to appear in the program (such as In Honor of or To the Memory of ):
Make checks payable to: Modesto Peace Life Center. Mail to: 1313 Floyd Ave #184, Modesto CA 95355.