Help keep our readers informed. We encourage submissions about Peace, Justice and Environmental Events!


Modesto Peace Life Center VIGILS: held THE FIRST TUESDAYS of the month at McHenry Ave. and J St. (Five Points): 4:00-5:00 pm (TIME MAY CHANGE). Call the Center for info: 209-529-5750.

Listen to Peace/Life Center Community Radio, KCBP 95.5 FM streaming at http://www.KCBPradio.org.

PEACE/LIFE CENTER BOARD MEETING, First Thursdays, 829 13th St., Modesto, 6:00 pm, 529-5750. BY ZOOM. Email Jim Costello,

WATCH THE LATEST PEACE CENTER VIDEOS filmed by John Lucas and Richard Anderson at http://vimeo.com/user9154856/videos

PEACE/LIFE CENTER MODESTO, 829 13th St., Modesto--Call 529-5750, we'll get back to you with current info on activities.

ABOUT OUR RADIO STATION: Our community station, KCBP 95.5 FM is on the air. We need your support! Send your check to the Modesto Peace/Life Center,  PO Box 134, Modesto CA 95353-0134. Put "Radio" in the memo. See article in this issue of Connections for details. Donate at  



MAPS - Modesto Area Partners in Science: Free MJC science programs on Fridays in MJC West Campus, Sierra Hall 132 at 7:30 pm. unless noted otherwise. Friday, Sept. 20: Dr. Sean Lyon, UC Merced. “All About Birds, Stories in the Skins, Reading the Specimens of the Past to Guide the Future.” https://www.seanclyon.com/my-story. Saturday, Sept. 21: *MJC West Campus Science Center, MAPS, and the Great Valley Museum present a Family Festival, Wild Planet Day featuring Sean Lyon and other animal experts with hands-on exhibits, 10 am – 3 pm. Huge Family Fun Day!

Modesto Science Colloquium Fall Semester 2024, Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 p.m., MJC West Campus, SCC 115. Free to the Public. Talks will be recorded for the Science Colloquium’s YouTube Site. Sept 11: Georget Oraha, Instructor of Biology, Modesto Junior College. Tethered Through Turbulence: Human & Environmental Impacts on Mussel Attachment. Discover the resilience of Mytilus californianus, the California mussel.

Sept 25: Allison Pieretti, RN, MSN, CNS, FNP-BC, CHSE, Professor of Nursing, Modesto Junior College. A nurse is a nurse is a nurse, right? LVN, RN, and CAN. What are the differences? Explore the diverse and vital roles of Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs), Registered Nurses (RNs), and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs).

The Prospect Theatre: 24/25 season has continuing offerings. Visit https://prospecttheaterproject.org/2024-2025-season/

3 TUES: VIGIL: PEACE-ISRAEL-GAZA at McHenry Ave. and J. St. (Five Points), 4:00-5:00 pm. Call the Center for info: 209-529-5750 or email jcostello@igc.org.

16 SUN: The State Theatre and Modesto Film Society presents Lawrence of Arabia at 2 pm. Join the State Theatre. Have fun, get perks, and support Modesto’s historic non-profit theatre. Visit https://thestate.org/films/lawrence-of-arabia-092024/


Saturday, October 5: Falling Leaf Boutique & Pantry at the First United Methodist Church. See article, p.2.

Friday, Nov. 1: The Golden State Road Warriors Wheelchair Basketball Team returns to MJC for a fAnnual Harvest Gathering. Food, conversation. Help support KCBP 95.5 FM Community Radio. Details in the October issue.

Tuesday, January 14: John McCutcheon Concert.

31st Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration. Date TBA.

Saturday, March 22: Golden State Road Warriors Wheelchair Basketball Team returns to MJC. Fundraiser for KCBP 95.5 FM Community Radio.


ModestoView Calendarhttps://www.modestoview.com/category/event-calendar/


USEFUL LINKS at http://stanislausconnections.org/links.htm


Area Calendars/Events listings

SERRV SHOP: Gifts from developing countries. Call Marye for appt., information: 209-523-0449. Modesto Church of the Brethren, 2301 Woodland, Rm #4, Modesto. https://www.modcob.org/index.php?s=serrv

State Theater

West Side Theater Events

ArtExpressions of San Joaquin

City of Modesto Parks, Recreation and Neighborhoods Activity Guide
Stanislaus County Free Library page with links to events

MJC with link to Events page
Great Valley Museum Calendar of Events
Events at CSU Stanislaus

Yokuts Sierra Club

San Joaquin Connections Community Calendar

Freight and Salvage concerts (Berkeley)
Neighborhood Energy--Music in the Diablo Valley
California Bluegrass Association

The Modesto Bee Entertainment Page
ModestoVIEW Community Calendar

For holidays and celebrations around the world, here's a link to the Earth Calendar.
For every kind of calendar reference information you could want, try the Calendar Zone

Common Ground Magazine-San Francisco

California Nature Events from the Audubon Society.








A.R.T.S. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER: free arts materials for teachers, scout leaders, child care, artists. All recycled things.  Volunteers and Materials needed! Open Mon-Fri, 8 am - 4:30 pm. 1100 Kansas Ave. Info: 567-4516.  Also in Turlock, 250 N. Broadway, Info 668-5698.

Habitat for Humanity?s RE-STORE: Visit http://www.stanislaushabitat.org/home/restore

CITY OF MODESTO RECREATION & NEIGHBORHOODS. (formerly called Parks and Recreation), Dept. has a wealth of activities for adults and children, including activities for disabled youth. Catalogues and info: 577-5344, 1010 10th St., Modesto. Click here for Activity Guide

YMCA after school and off track Child Care. Also many activities for adults and children, youth sports, etc. Some are free. Active Aging Program, featuring a voluntary physical fitness evaluation and develop an individual activity program. Call Fitness Coordinator, 578-9622. Monthly health screenings for seniors, by appointment only, are also offered. For cost & info 578-YMCA.

CHILD HEALTH MOBILE SERVICES Maddux Youth Center, 3rd & Sierra Dr., Modesto. Fourth Fridays, noon to 4:30 pm. Call for appointment, 525-6282.

TAI CHI.  Mondays thru Saturdays. Led by Naser and Mary. Info: 572-4518. 3600 Sisk Rd., Suite 4B

ALANON/ALATEEN. families/teenage children of alcoholics, 524-3907.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS in Stanislaus County.

CAIR, Changing Attitudes in Recovery, (also other support group listings) 577-1667.

GLSEN - San Joaquin Chapter Contact Ryan Moore, ryanm@softcom.net for more information about any GLSEN San Joaquin events.

EL CONCILIO Community Center, 1314 H St., Modesto. For info, Raul Garcia, 523-2860 rgar@elconcilio.org 

CENTRAL VALLEY DEMOCRATIC CLUB. Monthly meetings: Modesto. For more information, visit https://www.centralvalleydemocraticclub.com/


CalPride Stanislaus EVENTS

1202 H St., Suite C, Modesto, 209-408-8848.

Open Monday-Friday, 10 am-6 pm.

ONSITE GROUPS (Hosted at CalPride Stanislaus)

QUEER POINT: CalPride's harm reduction program supports individuals who use drugs and the broader community and provides on-site syringe services, safer injection kits, fentanyl test strips, and Narcan for overdose prevention. Available Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 6 PM.

FOLX Group for LGBTQ+ Individuals between the ages of 25-49, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 1-2 pm.

Women's Group, run by women for ALL women every Wednesday, Noon-1 pm.

Dreams and Solutions Drugs and Alcohol Support Group, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 1-2 pm.

Writing Group Peer Support Group for anyone looking to explore themselves through creativity every Friday, 4:30 pm-6 pm.

BEADiFULL Peer Support Group focusing on organic, peer-lead conversation and connection while making friendship bracelets and beaded jewelry, 1st and 3rd Fridays, 11:30 am-1 pm

Wellness Wednesdays, every Wednesday from 1-5 pm, for any individual receiving services in-center to be in community, create art, play games, etc.

OFFSITE GROUPS (Hosted Elsewhere)

The Men's Senior Group meets every Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Queen Bean Coffee House, 1126 14th St, Modesto.

We Thrive POZ Art Group meets every Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Dragonfly-Art for Life Studio, 1210 J St, Modesto.

ON-SITE PROGRAMS (Hosted at CalPride Stanislaus)

Legal Name Change Clinic, every Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am-4 pm, and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by appointment only.

Affirmation Station FREE Clothing Closet, open during business hours, Monday-Friday, 10 am-6 pm.

FREE HIV/HCV Testing and Counseling available Monday-Friday, 11 am-5 pm.


Unity of Modesto meets in person every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at 2467 Veneman, Modesto. Information: 209-578-5433.

Modesto Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 10:00 am at the MODSPOT, 1220 J St. Call or text 209-232-1932, email modestovineyard@gmail.com; All Welcome.

IMCV weekly Insight Meditation and dharma talk, 8:45 am - 10:15 am, 2172 Kiernan Ave., Modesto (rear bldg. at the end of the UUFSC east parking lot). Offered freely; donations welcome. All are welcome. For more information, please email charlie@imcv.org. Our mailing address is IMCV, P.O. Box 579564, Modesto, CA 95357.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County meets in person and on Zoom every Sunday at 10:30 am at 2172 Kiernan Ave., Modesto. Info: 209-788-3720; www.stanuu.org

Food Addicts Anonymous in Recovery. Sundays 6:30 pm, 2467 Veneman Ave. Modesto. Info: Emily M., 209 480-8247.


The Compassionate Friends, Modesto/Riverbank Area Chapter meets on the second Mondays at 7:00 pm at 2201 Morill Rd., Riverbank. Bereaved parents, grandparents, and adult siblings are invited to participate in this support group for families whose children have died at any age, from any cause. Call 209-622-6786 or email for details: tcfmodestoriverbank@gmail.com; https://www.modestoriverbanktcf.org/

Suicide Loss Support Group: Friends for Survival meets every third Monday at 7 pm. Details: Norm Andrews 209-345-0601, nandrews6863@charter.net.

Walk with Me, a women's primary infertility support group and Bible study. 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm the first and third Mondays of each month. Big Valley Grace Community Church. Interested? Email WalkWithMeGroup@gmail.com or call 209.577.1604.


Starting July 10: Music is Medicine Song Crafting, 13 yrs. and up, 5- 6:30 pm. Rainbow Resource Center, 1202 H St., Modesto. Info: Call 209-408-8848.

First Tuesday - LGBTQ+ Ages 12-14, 5-7 pm activities and support. Second Tuesday- LGBTQ+ Ages 15-17, 5-7 pm activities and support. Third Tuesday-Friends and Family, 5-7 pm Discussion and emotional support. All at Rainbow Resource Center, 1202 H St., Modesto.

Climate Action Justice Network-Stanislaus meets the first Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Link- https://tinyurl.com/CJAN-FirstTuesday

Attention Veterans: Join us for Free Coffee & Donuts Meet & Greet at the Stanislaus Veterans Center, 3500 Coffee Rd., Modesto, Suite 15, 7 am – 11 am

NAACP Meeting. King-Kennedy Center, 601 S. Martin Luther King Dr., Modesto, 3rd Tuesday @ 6:30 pm. 209-896-9196; For ZOOM link, visit https://www.naacpmodestostanislaus.org/   email: naacpmodestostanislaus@gmail.com 

Exploring Whiteness & Showing Up for Racial Justice Meetings, Fourth Tuesday, monthly 7:00 p.m., Central Grace Hmong Alliance Church, 918 Sierra Dr., Modesto. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/247655549018387/

Pagan Family Social, third Tuesdays, Golden Corral, 3737 McHenry Ave, Modesto, 6:00 pm. Info: 569-0816. All newcomers, pagan-curious and pagan-friendly welcome.

IMCV weekly Insight Meditation and dharma talk, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, 2172 Kiernan Ave., Modesto (rear bldg. at the end of the UUFSC east parking lot). Offered freely, donations welcome. Info: Contact Lori, 209-343-2748 or see https://imcv.org/ Email: info@imcv.org

ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS, Every Tuesday, 7 pm at 1320 L St., (Christ Unity Baptist Church). Info: Jeff, 527-2469.


Retired Public Employees Association. All seniors welcome! Meetings every third Wednesday. Denny’s Restaurant, 1525 McHenry Ave. 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Call (209) 324-2060. Members pay $8.00. Others pay full price. Order from the menu.

Bagels for Brains Focus Group, light breakfast, 10:30 to Noon. Rainbow Resource Center, 1202 H St., Modesto.

The Almond Blossom Sangha meets on Wednesdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, Zoom, and sometimes hybrid, for meditation and Dharma discussions. Call Anne at 209-404-4835 for more information.

The GAP. A place of support for Christian parents of LGBTQ+ or questioning kids every Wednesday 6:30pm at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 1528 Oakdale Rd. Instagram: Thegapmodesto

Ongoing meditation class based on Qi Gong Principals. Practice a 3 Step Guided Meditation Process I have been doing for over a decade. Fun and Easy. JOIN ME! Donations accepted but optional. Call 209.495.6608 or email Orlando Arreygue, CMT RYT, orlando@arreygue.com

Merced LGBT Community Center offers a variety of monthly meetings and written materials. Volunteers, on-site Wed-Fri, offer support. Ph: 209-626-5551. Email: mercedboard@gaycentralvalley.org – 1744 G St. Suite H, Merced, CA. www.mercedlgbtcenter.org

Merced Full Spectrum meets the second Wednesday of every month, 6 p.m. 1744 G St., Suite H, Merced http://www.lgbtmerced.org/ Merced Full Spectrum is a division of Gay Central Valley, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. http://www.gaycentralvalley.org/


Attention Veterans: Join us for Free Coffee & Donuts Meet & Greet at the Stanislaus Veterans Center, 3500 Coffee Rd., Modesto, Suite 15, 7 am – 11 am

IMCV Grupo de Meditación en Español, cada semana 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm, 2172 Kiernan Ave., Modesto (edificio trasero al final del estacionamiento este de UUFSC). Ofrecido libremente, las donaciones son bienvenidas. Info: Contacto Vanessa, 209-408-6172.

Green Team educational meetings the 3rd Thursday of each month,10 to 11 am, Kirk Lindsey Center, 1020 10th St. Plaza, Suite 102, Modesto. www.StanislausGreenTeam.com

Third Thursday Gallery Walk, Downtown Modesto, downtown art galleries open--take a walk and check out the local art scene. 5-8 pm every third Thursday of the month. Info: 579-9913, http://www.modestoartwalk.com

ART GALLERY WALK, downtown Modesto, third Thurs., 6:30 to 8 pm. Info: http://www.modestoartwalk.com

Pagan Community Meeting, 1st Thursday, Cafe Amore, 3025 McHenry Ave, Suite S., Modesto, 8 pm. Info: 569-0816. All newcomers, pagan-curious and pagan-friendly welcome.


Friday 7:30-9:30 pm (Sept thru May) International Folk Dancing with Village Dancers, Carnegie Art Center, 250 N. Broadway, Turlock $7. No experience or partner needed. 209-480-0387 for info.

Overcoming Depression: small group for men & women. Every Friday, 7:15 pm. Cornerstone Community Church, 17900 Comconex Rd, Manteca, CA 95366, (209) 825-1220.

UKULELE ON FUNSTRUMMER FRIDAYS. Every Friday morning from 9 am to 10:30 am Play Along Easy Songs from the Funstrummers Songbooks of over 500 songs. Funstrummers Performing Band Practice from 10 to noon and afternoon gig. Unitarian Church, 2172 Kiernan Ave., Modesto, 209-505-3216 for details. Donations accepted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mej3gD0ZD40&list=LLB8Yl9zZg660qHCXGoC6ojQ&index=1

Latino Emergency Council (LEC) 3rd Fridays, 8:15 am, El Concilio, 1314 H St. Modesto. Info: Dale Butler, 209-522-8537.

SIERRA CLUB: Yokuts group. Regular meetings, third Friday, College Ave. Congregational Church, 7 pm. Info: 209-300-4253. Visit http://www.sierraclub.org/mother-lode/yokuts for info on hikes and events.

MUJERES LATINAS, last Friday, lunch meetings, Info: Cristina Villego, 549-1831.

HISPANIC LEADERSHIP COUNCIL, 3rd Fridays at noon, 1314 H St., Modesto 95354. Questions? Yamilet Valladolid, yamiletv@hotmail.com


Free Community Drum Circle every third Saturday,11 am to 12:00 pm, Gallo Center for the Arts, 10th & I St., Modesto. No experience or drums necessary to participate. All levels welcome. https://drum-love.com/

Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist Approach to Recovery from Addiction. @Friends Coming of Age., 1203 Tully Rd., Ste. B., Modesto. Saturdays 8-9 am. FREE (donations accepted). Info:RefugeRecoveryModesto@gmail.com


Fifteenth of each month (No issue in August). Submit peace, justice and environmentally friendly event notices by email to Jim Costello, jcostello@igc.org. Free listings subject to space, availability and editing.